Our Products

Our Handee cheese cutters have a robust design to give years of trouble-free, accurate cutting. Available in plastic or stainless steel.


The Handee Cheese Cutter was first manufactured by Digby & Nelson Ltd. In 1947 in Greenford, Middlesex. The company quickly flourished and sales grew throughout the UK, as well as internationally. Handee Cheese Cutters are now stocked by most UK supermarkets as well as being available throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia.

The Handee cheese cutter is one of the most popular cheese cutters in production today. It provides a simple and economical method of cutting blocks of medium to hard cheeses and ensures an accurate and smooth cut.

The cutting boards are strong and durable and are designed to be long lasting (wires and other consumable parts must be replaced). They are safe to use and give a perfect cut with no wastage.

We offer both the plastic and stainless steel versions of the ‘Handee’ cheese cutter along with all necessary replacement parts (which are designed exclusively to fit the Handee cutter).

Our Products


Our Handee cheese cutters have a robust design to give years of trouble-free, accurate cutting. Available in plastic or stainless steel.

handee Plastic cutter copy

Handee Plastic Cheese Cutter

Handee Stainless Steel Cheese Cutter

Our Products


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2 Handles and 2 wires

Pulley Wheel copy

Pulley Wheel

Replacement Handle copy

Replacement Handle

Spindle and Washers copy

Spindle and Washers

Replacement Rubber Feet x4 copy

Replacement Rubber Feet (x4)

Replacement Springs x 2 copy

Replacement Stainless Steel Springs (x2)

60cm Wire copy

Stainless Steel Replacement Wire 60cm (x12) Standard length

Multi-stranded wires are available but not recommended for S/S cutters.



First, place the cheese cutter on a flat surface with the front overlapping the edge of the surface. Make sure it is firm and steady. Place the cheese on the platform resting against the raised portion of the machine and pull the handle steadily and gently towards you whilst holding the machine steady with your other hand. Let the slicing action of the wire do the cutting. One complete slicing motion will ensure a beautifully smooth cut.


Place the cheese with rind at the raised end towards the operator, so that the wire cuts through the cheese before the rind; this avoids grains from the rind being dragged through the cheese.


We do not recommend the use of the multi-stranded cheese wire with the stainless steel machine; this type of wire should be used for hard cheese and with the white plastic model only.


Extra care should be taken when cutting through a very hard cheese, such as Parmesan, Mimolotte, Peccorino or Gruyere, to avoid the wire breaking.


The machine should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth both on the cutting surface and underneath. The use of very hot water should be avoided. After cutting a soft, herb-flavoured or blue cheese, it may be necessary to wipe the cheese wire clean.


Our cheese cutters use a grey handle as standard but we can supply blue or white handles as alternatives. This allows different cutters to be indentified, if wished, for use with different types of cheese.


A whole cheese should be cut into halves or quarters first. For this purpose, we sell a set of Handee Handles & Wires, similar to the handle fitted with the machine, but with 90cm wires. An incision with a knife should be made first on the outer edge of the cheese, then the wire drawn into the centre and out again at an angle to cut a quarter or a wedge.

Got a question about our Handee cheese cutters? Get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help.